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April 30, 2021

Under Va. Code §65.2-306, 如果雇主证明雇员在事故发生时有某种形式的故意不当行为,否则遭受可赔偿的工作场所事故的雇员可能会被剥夺工人赔偿福利. 

雇员的行为是否上升到故意不当行为的程度是一个事实问题,将由弗吉尼亚州工人赔偿委员会决定.   当雇员将自己置于一个危险的位置,而他/她并没有被要求从事任何雇佣任务, that employee could be deemed to have committed willful misconduct.  For instance, 一名员工的主管告诉她不要在没有帮助的情况下搬箱子,她被拒绝了工人的赔偿福利.  这名员工自己搬箱子,结果在搬箱子的时候受伤了.  委员会认定她的行为已上升到故意不当行为的程度,她的伤害不可赔偿.  Tinsley v. Alexandria Hospital, 60 OIC 454 (1981).

The specific forms of willful misconduct are outlined in Va. Code §65.2-306 and they state:

“A. 雇员或其家属如因下列原因受伤或死亡,概不获赔偿:

  1. The employee's willful misconduct or intentional self-inflicted injury;
  2. The employee's attempt to injure another;
  3. The employee's intoxication;
  4. 雇员故意不使用或拒绝使用安全设备或执行法规规定的职责;
  5. 雇员故意违反雇主制定的任何合理的规章制度, prior to the accident, to the knowledge of the employee; or
  6. 雇员使用美国法律第34章(§11)规定的非处方受控物质 54.1-3400et seq.) of Title 54.1.”

To prevail on a willful misconduct defense based on a safety rule violation, an employer must establish that (1) the subject safety rule was reasonable; (2) the safety rule was known to the employee; (3) the safety rule was for the employee’s benefit; and (4) the employee intentionally engaged in the forbidden act.    Oftentimes, pre-employment paperwork, attendance forms showing in-house safety meetings, employee handbook provisions, 安全手册是支持雇主故意不当行为辩护的最佳证据.

雇主不需要证明雇员在事故发生时是故意违反安全规定的.  Mills v. Va. Elect. & Power Co., 90 S.E.2d 124 (1955).  However, 雇主必须知道,雇员的重大过失本身并不构成故意不当行为. Baughman v. Fairfax Country Public Schools, 59 O.I.C. 13 (1980).  Willful misconduct requires more than negligence.   For example, benefits were awarded to the claimant in Baughman 当他决定从屋顶上跳下来而不是用梯子下来的时候.  委员会认为,这名员工只是“在选择从屋顶下降的方式上判断失误”,并没有违反要求他立即向主管报告不安全情况的安全规定.    In another case, 一名员工站在梯子的顶端,也选择了一个对特定任务来说太短的梯子,但这些行为并不是禁止他获得工人赔偿的理由.  使用短梯子并站在梯子顶端的决定被认为是错误的判断.  Brown v. Powell’s Paint Co., 68 O.I.C. 113 (1988).

Importantly, under Va. Code §65.2-306 (B), the person or entity asserting the willful misconduct defenses under §65.2-306 (A) has the burden of proof.  However, there is one exception to this burden.  如果雇主提出涉及雇员醉酒或使用非处方受控物质的辩护,则会出现这种例外, “并且在受伤时,雇员体液中的酒精或非规定的受控物质的含量(i)等于或大于§规定的标准18.2-266, or (ii) in the case of use of a nonprescribed controlled substance, 药物滥用和精神健康十大正规网赌网址管理局(SAMHSA)认证的实验室的检测结果呈阳性, there shall be a rebuttable presumption, 如雇员因伤死亡,哪项推定不得成立, 该雇员在受伤时因饮酒或使用非处方受控物质而醉酒.“只有当受伤的员工就所谓的不当行为提出明确而令人信服的证据时,这种假设才可能被克服。.

To utilize the defenses under Va. Code §65.第2-306条规定,雇主必须提交一份通知,表明其打算以不当行为为理由进行辩护.  As stated in Rule 1-10 of the Commission, 雇主必须在不少于15天的听证会日期前提供其故意不当行为辩护通知.  雇主通过向委员会提交书面通知并将该通知的副本邮寄给雇员的方式提供此通知.  In this notification, 至关重要的是,雇主在提出故意不当行为辩护时,必须包括一份解释其所依赖的特定不当行为的声明.

根据规则1-10,仔细选择支持雇主故意行为不当的书面通知声明的证据,以及在随后的听证会上支持雇主故意行为不当的证据,这两点至关重要.  雇主在根据弗吉尼亚州的规定进行故意不当行为辩护时,应寻求律师的建议. Code §65.2-306.

Kerry Stolz is a Pender & Coward attorney focusing her practice on workers’ compensation matters. 


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